Writing Lesson 2.11 – Plot Your Story FAST!

There are two primary types of writers out there. With affection, we call them plotters or pantsers. Plotters like to know where their story is going and usually use some type of outline to keep them on course. Pantsers launch in with only a vague sense of what is going happen next. They know their […]

Writing Lesson 2.6 – Formula for Success

All stories are based on a few basic formulas that make very good sense.

Traveling Season – Randy Ingermanson

Randy Ingermanson says: I’m a physicist, an author, and probably dangerously disturbed. I write about “The intersection of Science Avenue and Faith Boulevard” because that’s the corner where I live. This neighborhood doesn’t have many lights, so you see a lot of accidents around here. Be careful of the flying glass! My job in life […]

Writing Lesson 36 – What Happens Next?

Today’s exercise works best if you can do it with at least two other people. You’ll all read the passage below from Hilda van Stockum’s wonderful book The Winged Watchman. (http://www.amazon.com/Winged-Watchman-Living-History-Library/dp/1883937078/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1265747756&sr=8-1_) You’ll each then take a piece of paper, go off alone for 15 minutes, and write your answer to the question: What happens next? […]

Writing Lesson 31 – Journaling the Story

Studying the Plot I asked one of my kids to read Victor Hugo’s classic Les Miserables when she was in high school. Have your ever seen an unabridged copy of the book? It’s hundreds of pages…thousands and thousand of words! “How do you expect me to remember everything that happens in this long story?” Rachel […]