Verbs, verbs, verbs. Get used to it, because now that you're a writer, you'll hear about them often and be told again and again to make them stronger. What in the world is a stronger verb anyway? It's one that leaps into a reader's visualization of a … [Continue reading]
Writing Lesson 3.21_Remodeling Your Story Through the Editing Process
![ceiling fan before](
About thirty years ago this ceiling fan was a lovely addition to this old home. It's not exactly what I'd choose for my new kitchen, but my husband saw great potential in this find and salvaged it before they demolished the house. So what … [Continue reading]
It’s That Time Again!
We're gearing up for our third annual NOVELWritingSite Contest for young writers! I hope you've been writing regularly, putting these lessons and exercises to work as you hone your storytelling skills. Are you ready to get some encouraging … [Continue reading]
Writing Lesson 3.20 – Should You Enter Writing Contests?
As you pop around the web or read writing magazines, you'll pretty quickly discover writing contests. In fact, we even host one on this site each spring. You may mull these contests over and wonder if they're worth your while. Winning would be … [Continue reading]
Writing Lesson 3.19 – Say What…?
I just read this headline: Icebreaker Makes Push to Reach Iced-In Alaska City and my caring nature*, couple with my earnest desire to be reassured of the imminent safety of my stranded fellow countrymen, forced me to click and read the article … [Continue reading]